Thursday, September 08, 2011

insomnia again

I have insomnia again tonight. Over the years I have learned to be at peace while having trouble sleeping. It makes it much better. I have a lot of great times with God while I am up late by myself.

Tonight I watched this

and this

and this

and this

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

stones who were people

They are cold and their arms are down
We can stand but a foot apart
and no grins exchange
no excitement

They are grey where they were rouge
their hands hold things that are dead
they groan when their
grips slip

They used to be children
and my friends
now they are dead
Their gods in their hands.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

A second office made beautiful

To my wife on her first mothers day with a son (outside the womb). The first poem I have ever published for an occasion.

It is a thing I would not set aside
to search what's dry
and then find you
my precious wife

It might seem what's wet
is not so deep
next to your eyes
the strengths and fears
you keep
my heart

and should this world be one
of many homes
still glad to have
in this one

It is true love
the truth that guides your love
for me
and our son

another bloom has come
petals bloomed for our eyes
and we
filled with love.

I love you Erin, you are a beautiful wife and now a beautiful mother.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

removed and running

when the turn came you turned wrong
a right for a left
shaking your head for nervousness

if the breaks had worked you stop
but you have no breaks
your core like a city with no walls

you never pin your thoughts
to one hard truth outside you
and so the bandits come in
and the bandits go out