Sunday, September 17, 2006

a pain-hope career (part 5)

The silence fell asleep
with the smith,
leaned back, sledge draped
through fingers hung from palm.

Then a switch occurred.
The lock on the boys eyes
toward the door, still gaped.

"I need you to run an errand."
Smith never fully slept,
leaned now forward.
"Your name?" with eyebrow cocked.

"Kumiko, I'm called,"
whispered movementless.
He glanced at Smith and spoke.
"I thought you slept."

"I don't allow dreams, control.
I stay anchored here."
said smith,
one finger toward the hall.

"Shadow's gone now.
Follow his blood trail,
through that hallway and then
keep till he's found."

Smith was still pointing.
convincing urgency
in his heavy eyes.
The boy looked and entered.

The hallway was silent
one hand ran the wall
growing peace in each step,
he would not soon go home.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pretty sweet, hope there's more to come.